Monday 27 October 2014

Null Sec: Skill Nazi's

So here's my first "proper" null sec musing. has provided the alliance update for Nulli Secunda so I can quote their orders rather than those put out across my own alliance for now. I know our alliance had similar orders, and I'd be very suprised if most didn't.

2) You need to finish training the mandatory jump clone skills we asked you to train during the Tartoken move op.  For those of you who don’t remember, these skills will be mandatory for everyone to have by November 4th (you can easily train all this in time):

Infomorph Psychology V
Infomorph Synchronizing IV
Advanced Infomorph Psychology IV

        We would actually like everyone to have all those skills ready by November 2nd, as we will be strategically placing jump clones during our move op (as well as during the week before it).  However, if you are going to be cutting it tight to make the deadline, We would rather you train Informorph Psychology V first, then Infomorph Synchronizing to IV, then Advanced Infomorph to as high as you can get it before the op (and then obviously finish it to IV as soon as possible).

        Every combat pilot, including dread and carrier pilots (but not supers or titans) is required to have these jump clone skills trained.  This is as mandatory as mandatory things get as far as I’m concerned.  It’s a quick train, but more importantly, so much of our plans post-Phoebe will revolve around our new Jump Clone strategy.  We will go over in detail our methods and plans at the Nov. 2nd meeting, but for now you need to start minimizing the amount of jump clones you have for personal use.  With the required skills trained, you’ll be able to own a maximum of 9 jump clones.  Right now we are trying to decide between requiring you to have 5 or 6 of your jump clones reserved for alliance use.  It’ll be at least 5 (but I’m pushing hard for 6).  This will leave you 3 or 4 jump clones for personal use.  If that's not enough for you currently, then you need to find a way to make that enough.  I wish we could be flexible on this, but we can't.

        Orders for where to place the jump clones will come out this Sunday after our corp leadership meeting.  This should give people who can’t make the Nov. 2nd move op plenty of time to teledeath and install a jumpclone somewhere.

3) Once you have finished training the required jump clone skills, we need you to spend 4 days following these skill training orders:
These orders have gone out to the alliance as a whole, and when orders like this go out... when the leadership say jump you don't even stop to ask how high.

Your average everyday null sec pilot, will have at least some of these skills trained already, jump clones are a necessity of null sec existance, they let us jump instantly out to highsec if we need to inject more skills, or instantly to deployment if we need to go on a fleet. I would be very suprised to find any null sec pilot who doesn't have Infomorph Psychology at level 3 at least. The others are relatively new skills that some may have trained but many will not have.
On a brand new fresh character, to train these skills will take 13 days 17 hours and 11 minutes, if you assume they already have Infomorph Psychology at 3, that knocks approximately 4 hours 30 minutes off.
Lets assume that due to implants or partly trained skills it knocks off a little more for the ease of numbers and the train will take 13 days 12 hours.
Nulli Secunda are listed as having 2753 members. Generally the assumption is that 2/3 of membership are mining/ratting/cyno alts (because every account has 3 character slots) so taking this logic that leaves 917 "people behind the screen".
That's 917 people being told to potentially give up up to thirteen and a half days, as near as damnit 2 weeks of skill training.
(As a note because I found the numbers shocking, this works out as a staggering 12,379.5 days, thats nearly 34 years of skill training time in total)

Within big alliances, and even to some degree within small corps (depending on their style of leadership and what they do), we as pilots get used to a level of dictation. It's not uncommon to be told "we're going to be taking up this doctrine, so you all need to train into it". Normally, by the time a pilot has reached null sec they can fly a wide variety of ships, so the required time for training into the ship is 2-3 days to use the fit with basic modules so it's never too big a pain. It's also accepted there's newer pilots who it's a long train for, so they normally list a few support ships which require lesser skills.
To demand two weeks of skill training however strikes me as going above and beyond reasonable. When they follow this up with "this will let you have 9 jump clones, 5 or 6 of which will be reserved for alliance use" you'd be excused for starting to wonder who's actually paying for the account.

I personally, dislike being told what I will fly and when. When it comes to fleet doctrines, I accept that I don't know my ass from my elbow when it comes to fitting ships and our alliance has highly trained monkeys who do nothing but theorycraft all day, so when I'm told to fit a scimitar x way, x way is how I'll fit my scimitar until I'm told differently. When it comes to "fly this ship in this fleet" I understand the logic, there's no point flying a giant slow armor battleship, when the rest of the fleet are fast and nimble shield cruisers, I'll get left behind, I'll stick out like a sore thumb, I'll be primaried by everybody in the enemy fleet... and I'm too pretty to die..
There's logic to these decisions, and they're for my own good (mostly), so whilst I pull faces at being dictated to, I'm a good little grunt and I do as I'm told.

Is it reasonable though, to be told to give up up to 2 weeks of skill training, (which is a suprisingly large amount, there's a lot of other useful things you could train in that time) and then to be told that 2/3 of the "reward" (infomorph psychology and the advanced version, each give you 1 jump clone) of that is going to be "reserved for alliance use".
Then, after all that.... the next point they move on to is "after that, here's what you MUST train next".
Sadly, whoever leaked the report to neglected to include the second set of skills that are required, so I can't add that to my maths, but even so, talk about kicking a skill queue when it's down...

Again, there's logic to it, probably and ultimately once all the patch drama has passed and the dust from it has settled, it's one less skill they have to train in the future, and some of those jumpclones might come in useful... but still, I can't be the only one who thinks if I am paying to play a game, being told exactly what I can fly when, also telling me what my skill queue has to be until the middle of next month is going too far.

Here, I'm going to give you a cake, but first, you must spend 2 weeks grinding the flour, and then I'm going to eat 2 thirds of it. I like cake! And after that... lets talk about some biscuits.......

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