Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Phoebe changing the world as we know it

I want you to take a moment and think back to the classic image from a godzilla movie.

Godzilla, stomping his way through tokyo, appears around a skyscraper, the camera pans down to the civillians on the street, who all freeze, looking up at him in terror, the scream builds and thousands start running like maniacs down the road shrieking and hollaring at the top of their lungs.

This is the image I get in my head every time there's talk of Phoebe's capital jump changes.

The impact it's had, is amazing. Goons are dropping half their space and condensing, HERO coalition have made up with Provi Bloc, Pandemic Legion sold a bunch of their space, Initiative are leaving their space, Darkness and Kadeshi seem to be evacuating their space and moving into the space abandoned by Goons .

I've not seen anything turn the world upside down quite as radically as this patch in a very long time, but even so, the hysteria and crying attached to it all strikes me as overkill.

I'm a capital pilot, I fly carriers both in PVE and PVP. It's going to be considerably harder to move capitals after the patch, it's going to take some planning, a little creativity maybe if you're going far, but the world won't end. If I have to move my carrier slowly over the period of a week or similar, it'll be frustrating, but I'll live.

Where it makes the biggest difference, is in PVP.
No longer do we have to worry so much about the supercaps halfway across the galaxy, if they're not already in range to jump on you, they probably can't get to you before you've killed whatever you're shooting and got away. Titan bridges aren't as good at moving entire fleets from one end of the map to the other.
It's going to make deploying assets for a war considerably harder, but a lot more tactical. Deploy all your supercaps to one system, and anything outside of their immediate jumprange is safe from them, so maybe they have to be slightly scattered, but that limits the force you can apply in any individual system. Same with dreads and carriers, but ultimately it's supers that most are concerned about.

Logistics and tactics will become more important, things will have to be thought through a little more, and whilst at 4am whilst being rage-pinged that may be a frustration, in average day to day life, I think this can only be an improvement and make it more involving.

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