Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Gambling Isk

When I first started playing there wasn't really any "non game" ways of earning isk as far as I knew. I got introduced to EOH which was playing texas holdem for isk, and rapidly discovered I was terrible at poker.

Then came Somer Blink, which many of the richer eve players had a lot of success with, my personal experience with such micro-lottery sites however was that it was more often than not the rich people who won the big prizes, when there's 10 tickets your average low level gambler could only buy 1 or 2 tickets, but the rich could buy 5-6 tickets,
Somer recently got shut down for RMT reasons and other such drama, and from the ashes has risen several other competitors who may have been around before but were largely dwarfed by the monster that was Somer.

Here's 2 options I've found.

I Want Isk is my favourite for a number of reasons. Alongside the traditional microlotteries it also has a selection of slot machines offering another way to make/spend isk. They release daily promotional codes granting the players extra isk to play with, run regular side games in their chat channel and associated teamspeak, giving away anything from 50 million isk to navy battleships (I myself have won 2 navy battleships and a plex this month), and have a few extra features which add to the longevity. Every 10 million isk you spend on lotteries or slot machines get you 1 entry into their "pool", this mixes between being a "Stellar Pool" in which every player can have a limited number of entries, or a "Infinite Pool" in which you can have (obviously) infinite entries. This pool is drawn from every couple of days and prizes for it range from 700 million isk to 30 billion isk (or more). Tokens are also earned by playing, which can then be used to buy scratchcards in order to win more isk.
All this combines to allow players many more opportunities to win isk, obviously with it being a gambling site one shouldn't go in expecting to make their billions with no risk, but even so some have found ways to profit extensively from the site.

The common trick, is to note that you can subscribe every character on your account to the site, and cash in the promotional codes. With promo codes averaging between 5-20 million isk a day, this provides anything from 105 million to 420 million isk a week. The site is starting to adapt to this and have put some minor safeguards in to reduce the shameless sponging of isk, but its still entirely possible.

I thoroughly recommend this site if you're willing to part with a little isk to try to get more, or if you just want a slow burn second income and can spare 5 minutes a day to copy paste the promo codes from your mail to the site.
Rating: I Want Isk : 9/10 for options, involvement and longevity.
COPY PASTE THIS LINK IN GAME TO GET 7 million isk to start you off when you join:

Evening Games Club is a new entrant to the market, brought to us by the Goons. It only has micro-lotteries but has a wonderful casino look to it. To be unique it's taken a new approach, buying tickets is done by purchasing "chips" of varying styles, which are also collectible to get "sets". Currently these don't seem to do anything other than gratify those of us with compulsive collecting urges, but it's a nice little touch.
Being new to the market, it's possible they'll expand their repertoire at some point to have more games, Maybe they'll do something more with the chips. It's not as "fun" a site as I Want Isk and doesn't (currently) provide any sort of promo codes etc.

Rating: Evening Games Club : 4/10 it's very pretty, but underneath the pretty it's still fairly basic but has lots of room for improvement/expansion.

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